Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to School

I can't believe I have two kids in school already- one in Kindergarten and one in Preschool! They have both been so excited to start school. Hunter's favorite thing is to ride the bus and recess-(real shocker!)

Easton thinks he's as big as his brother and doesn't quite understand why he can't ride the bus with bubba.

It is so much fun being a mother and watching my kids through all the stages of their lives. I can't belive how fast time goes by, some days I want to freeze time and other days I wonder if I will ever have a single moment to myself again. Before I know it, they will be graduated and I won't know what to do with my time!

1 comment:

Lacey and Jeremy Briscoe said...

They are so handsome! Isn't crazy how big they are getting!