Thursday, February 19, 2009

Two Teeth

Mackie has been sick constantly the last two weeks- she had back to back ear infections, Croup, and today we went and she had double ear infections and pink eye! I feel so bad for her- I swear she gets over one thing and the next day she has something else- She also got her first two teeth last week, no wonder she never sleeps at night!!

It's hard to believe she is still a pretty happy baby, she likes to feel her new teeth with her tongue- So cute!!


Lacey and Jeremy Briscoe said...

Poor thing! I hate it when baby's are sick. It's so sad! My kids have been getting tings back to back too. It's miserable!

Jana said...

Oh my heck she is so cute. Look how big shes getting.. oh ya, you know she's yours:) it's a good thing these babys are so dang cute so we can handle the up all nights just a little better!
what a doll.

Anonymous said...

She is adorable Jamie. I hope she's feeling all better soon.